Los Angeles Digest

Tiesto @ LA State Historical Park

By Los Angeles Digest Staff on October 3rd, 2023 | Music

Tiesto brought his latest hits and tracks to LA from this past Saturday. As an Insomniac-produced event named “Park Rave Madness”, it was a perfectly suitable place to have it then at the LA State Historical Park. The event was filled with other opening artists including – Adam Auburn, Anabel Englund, and Dombresky. As the opening acts starting early in the afternoon, so did the arrival of crowds to the venue.

A major moment during the show – Tiesto brought the choir group named, Tonality, to sing along to his one of his major hit singles, “Lay Low.” As members of the group mentioned afterwards on social media – “This was truly a dream!..Thank you for the opportunity..”

Any avid fan that regularly goes to Insomniac-sponsored events would know – they run these events as top-tier. Plenty of safe areas to roam around and dance to the beat. It made no difference whether the crowds were in the left, middle or right of the stage – good vibes all-around. As we asked crowds during the event, many were satisfied with the production and logistics. Overall – the crowd attendance was calculated at about 10,000-strong during Saturday’s event.

For more information – www.insomniac.com

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